Firstly, recycling is the process of turning used materials into new materials to reduce waste and turn it into something useful. Moreover, recycling reduces existing waste so it does not pollute the environment. Polyester is a non-natural / synthetic material that is produced through a process. Fiber itself is also a type of material in the form of component pieces that form a complete longitudinal network. Recycled polyester staple fiber is a recycled synthetic fiber (recycled) made from polyester.
Moreover, the fiber recycle process can be carried out through mechanical or chemical processes. In addition, fiber can be made from PET bottles as well as from textile waste. Fiber made from textile waste and PET bottle plastic both are more efficient and economical because uses waste materials.
Manufacturer usually made recycled polyester from waste polyethylene terephthalate (PET bottle). However, people widely use PET bottles because it has various benefits, including:
- Above all, PET bottle is a relatively clean material
- In addition, the amount of PET bottle waste in Indonesia is quite large
- The use of PET bottles as raw material also helps solve various environmental problems in Indonesia
- Besides, there are already many plastic PET bottle waste collectors in Indonesia
- PET bottle material is also available in various areas in Indonesia
- Other than that, availability of PET bottle waste raw material which is relatively stable in Indonesia
rPET staple fiber production process
- Firstly, manufacturer collected PET bottle in an area
- Secondly, manufacturer classified PET bottles according to its color.
- Thirdly, after the sorting process, manufacturer chopped the PET bottles into PET flakes.
- Fourthly, manufacturer washed and cleaned PET flakes to remove dust and dirt from waste
- Flakes also dried to remove water from the washing results
- After that, manufacturer processed PET flakes into PET pellets
- Lastly, manufacturer melted the PET pellet and processed it to become PET fiber (recycled polyester staple fiber

Daur ulang (recycle) adalah proses untuk menjadikan suatu bahan bekas menjadi bahan baru untuk mengurangi sampah dan menjadikannya menjadi sesuatu yang berguna. Daur ulang (recycle) mengurangi sampah yang ada sehingga tidak mengotori lingkungan. Polyester merupakan bahan non-alami/ sintetis yang diproduksi melalui proses. Fiber sendiri adalah suatu jenis bahan berupa potongan-potongan komponen yang membentuk jaringan memanjang yang utuh. Recycled polyester staple fiber merupakan fiber sintetis daur ulang (recycled) yang terbuat dari bahan polyester.

Proses daur ulang fiber (fiber recycle process) dapat dilakukan melalui proses mekanis maupun kimiawi. Fiber dapat dibuat dari plastik botol PET (PET bottle) maupun dari limbah tekstil. Fiber yang dibuat dari limbah tekstil maupun plastik botol PET (PET bottle) memanfaatkan bahan sisa sehingga lebih efisien dan ekonomis.
Polyester daur ulang (recycled polyester) biasanya dibuat dari limbah botol polyethylene terephthalate (PET bottle). Penggunaan PET Bottle banyak digunakan karena memiliki berbagai manfaat antara lain :
1. PET bottle merupakan material yang relatif bersih
2. Jumlah limbah PET bottle di Indonesia cukup banyak
3. Penggunaan PET bottle sebagai bahan baku membantu menyelesaikan berbagai masalah lingkungan di Indonesia
4. Sudah terdapat banyak pengumpul limbah PET bottle plastik di Indonesia
5. Material PET bottle mudah didapatkan di berbagai area di Indonesia
6. Ketersediaan limbah bahan baku PET bottle yang relatif stabil di Indonesia
Proses pengolahan rPET staple fiber :
1. PET bottle dikumpulkan pada suatu area
2. PET bottle diklasifikasi sesuai warna.
3. Setelah proses sortir, PET bottle dicacah menjadi PET flakes.
4. PET flakes dicuci dan dibersihkan untuk menghilangkan debu dan kotoran dari limbah.
5. PET flakes dikeringkan untuk menghilangkan air dari hasil pencucian
6. PET flakes diproses menjadi PET pellets
7. PET pellet kemudian deilelehkan dan diproses untuk menjadi PET fiber (recycled polyester staple fiber)
Recycled polyester staple fiber dapat digunkan untuk berbagai kebutuhan seperti material rPET spun yarn, karpet (carpet), geotextile maupun sebagai material untuk kasur (bedding).
# Pabrik perusahaan produsen, jual non woven spunbond, benang spun / pintal polyester , cacahan botol dan recycled dacron / kapas / serat fiber PET murah Bandung Indonesia. # Hadtex manufacture & supply non woven spunbond, PET flakes, recycled polyester fiber / fibre / dacron , regenerated spun yarn Indonesia. # Hadtex non woven spunbond , PET flakes, spun yarn, polyester fiber / dacron / RPET / RPSF / PSF / serat manufacturer & supplier company. # Perusahaan supplier kain nonwoven spunbond goody bag , benang pintal / spun yarn / cacahan botol PET, Alat Pelindung Diri / APD / Hazmat suit/ PPE bandung. # Pabrik jual nonwoven spunbond, kain keras, benang & fiber murah Indonesia. # Pabrik / perusahaan Hadtex jual kain nonwoven kain spunbond goody bag murah Bandung, Indonesia. Sustainable recycled polyester yarn & textile manufacturer / factory / company Indonesia.
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