Pabrik Kapas Daur Ulang menciptakan produk ramah lingkungan yang berkelanjutan yang berstandar produk GRS. Salah satunya ialah polyester daur ulang.
Kapas merupakan bahan yang sangat sering digunakan dalam berbagai industry dan banyak digunakan dalam berbagai produk di Indonesia. Banyak orang menggunakan kapas karena nyaman digunakan, mudah dicuci, tahan lama, dan murah.
Sehingga Pabrik Kapas Daur Ulang membuat kapas polyester daur ulang dengan menggunakan bahan sampah botol PET. Sampah botol polyester dikumpulkan, disortir dan dibersihkan. Setelah itu, botol dicacah dan diproses menjadi kapas PET daur ulang.
Kapas dapat digunakan untuk pengisi bantal, kursi, sepatu, boneka, bahan pembuatan benang, isolasi rumah, otomotif, dan lain sebagainya. Meskipun kapas daur ulang mengurangi proses yang sulit dalam menciptakan produk kapas baru, kapas adalah serat alami dan dapat terurai secara hayati , sehingga serat kapas apa pun yang tidak dapat didaur ulang atau digunakan lebih lanjut dapat dibuat kompos dan tidak akan menempati tempat di tempat pembuangan sampah.
Kapas Daur Ulang
Recycled polyester fiber
Above all, the recycled polyester fiber creates environmentally friendly, sustainable products that are based on GRS products. Polyester fiber is a material that is often used in various industries and is widely used in various products in Indonesia. Many people use fiber because it is comfortable to use, easy to wash, durable, and inexpensive. Moreover, people widely use recycled polyester staple fiber for many different purposes.
Moreover, factory / manufacturer makes recycled polyester fiber using PET bottle waste material. Firstly, polyester bottle waste is collected, sorted and cleaned. After that, the bottles are chopped and processed into recycled PET fiber. Therefore, recycled polyester staple fiber is a sustainable material for the environment. For instance, people help to prevent plasctic from occupying the landill by using recycled polyester fiber products.
People can use recycled polyester fiber for filling pillows, chairs, shoes, dolls, yarn making materials, home insulation, automotive, and so on. Although recycled polyester fiber reduces the difficult process of creating new polyester fiber products, recycle polyester fiber is a natural fiber and is biodegradable, so any recycled fiber that cannot be recycled or used further can be composted and will not occupy landfills.
About Hadtex
Hadtex is also a leading manufacturer / supplier of PET nonwoven spunbond, polyester regenerated staple fiber (dacron), PET flakes and rPET (recycled polyester) spun yarn/ sewing thread products in Indonesia. Moreover, Hadtex’s mission is to improve customer’s products and increase their value. With a global footprint, people can find Hadtex’s products domestically across Indonesia and internationally in regions such as Africa, Asia Pacific, Europe and the Americas. Furthermore, please go to for more information .
# Hadtex factory / manufacturer & supplier company of nonwoven ( non woven ) spunbond fabric (for goody bag, automotive, etc), regenerated polyester / PET fiber / fibre / dacron / RPET, PET flakes & also recycled spun polyester yarn, sustainable textile Bandung, Indonesia. Perusahaan, pabrik distributor, supplier kain non woven spunbond / kain keras / laken , benang polyester / recycled sewing thread. Pabrik jual Alat Pelindung Diri, cacahan botol , kapas polyester daur ulang murah.