Plastik Hasil Daur Ulang

Plastik merupakan material yang awet, ringan dan relatif murah jika dibandingkan dengan jenis material lain. Setiap tahunnya, lebih dari 100 juta ton plastik diproduksi di seluruh penjuru dunia. Maka dari itu, penggunaan plastik secara berulang, dan pendaurulangan plastik menjadi hal yang penting untuk dilakukan. Daur ulang plastik merupakan cara yang efektif untuk membendung produksi plastik dan mengurangi pencemaran lingkungan yang ada akibat plastik yang bertumpuk dan menjadi sampah. Hasil dari daur ulang limbah plastik dapat digunakan kembali untuk membuat produk baru. Proses daur ulang plastik yaitu dengan mengumpulkan, menyortir, dan membersihkan plastik untuk memastikan plastik bebas dari kontaminan. Lalu melelehkan plastik menjadi bentuk baru atau mengurai plastik lalu melelehkannya sebelum diproses menjadi biji plastik.

Tipe Plastik Hasil Daur Ulang

PS (Polistirena) seperti Cangkir plastik busa, alat makan plastik, container dapat di daur ulang menjadi insulator, saklar, wadah telur dan penggaris. PP (Polipropilena) seperti Kotak makan dan wadah es krim dapat didaur ulang menjadi lampu sein, kabel baterai, sapu, sikat, dan rak sepeda. LDPE (Polietilena Berdensitas Rendah) seperti tempat sampah dan kantong plastik dapat didaur ulang menjadi tempat sampah, ubin lantai, dan amplop pengiriman. PVC (Polivinill Klorida) seperti pipa, kabel listrik, dan botol kosmetik dapat didaur ulang menjadi: talang air, lantai, kabel, polisi tidur, dan tikar. HDPE (Polietilena Berdensitas Tinggi) seperti Botol susu dan deterjen dapat didaur ulang menjadi botol deterjen, botol minyak, pulpen, kontainer, ubin lantai, pipa drainase, meja piknik, dan botol sampo. PET (Polietilena Tereftalat) seperti botol jus buah dan soda dapat didaur ulang menjadi: kain polar fleece, fiber, tote bag, karpet, furnitur.

Plastic is a material that is durable, lightweight and relatively inexpensive when compared to other types of materials. Every year, more than 100 million tonnes of plastics are produced worldwide. Therefore, the use of plastic repeatedly, and recycling of plastic is an important thing to do. Plastic recycling is an effective way to stem plastic production and reduce existing environmental pollution due to plastic accumulating and becoming waste. Moreover, the results from recycling plastic waste can be reused to make new products. The process of recycling plastics involves collecting, sorting, and also cleaning s to make sure they are free of contaminants. Then melt the plastic into a new form or break down the plastic and then melt it before processing it into plastic pellets.

Types of Recycled Plastic

PS (Polystyrene) such as plastic foam cups, plastic cutlery, containers can be recycled into insulators, switches, egg containers and rulers. PP (Polypropylene) such as lunch boxes and ice cream containers can be recycled into turn signal lights, battery cables, brooms, brushes and bicycle racks. LDPE (Low Density Polyethylene) such as trash cans and plastic bags can be recycled into trash bins, floor tiles and shipping envelopes. PVC (Polyvinyl Chloride) such as pipes, electrical cables, and cosmetic bottles can be recycled into: gutters, floors, cables, speed bumps, and mats. HDPE (High Density Polyethylene) such as Milk bottles and detergents can be recycled into detergent bottles, oil bottles, pens, containers, floor tiles, drainage pipes, picnic tables and shampoo bottles. PET (Polyethylene Thephthalate) such as fruit juice and soda bottles can be recycled into: polar fleece, fiber, tote bags, carpets, furniture.

About Hadtex

Hadtex also makes RPET spun yarn from PET (polyethylene terephthalate) waste. Used consumer plastics bottles also contain PET waste. Therefore, Hadtex made recycled polyester by breaking down used plastic into small, thin chips. After that, Hadtex processed it and eventually spun it into yarn. As a result, recycled polyester spun yarn will help reducing the plastic bottle waste. Moreover, fiber itself is a type of material in the form of component pieces that form a complete longitudinal network. The fiber recycle process can also be carried out through mechanical or chemical processes. Fiber made from textile waste and PET bottle plastic uses waste materials so it is more efficient and economical. Can be used for various needs such as rPET spun yarn material, carpet (carpet), geotextile or as a material for bedding (bedding).

# Hadtex factory / manufacturer & supplier company of nonwoven ( non woven ) spunbond fabric (for goody bag, automotive, filter, etc), regenerated polyester / PET fiber / fibre / dacron / RPET, PET flakes & also recycled spun polyester yarn, sustainable textile . Bandung, Indonesia. Hadtex perusahaan , pabrik, distributor & supplier jual kain nonwoven ( non woven ) polyester spunbond untuk automotif / kendaraan mobil, filter, goody bag, APD (Alat Pelindung Diri). Pabrik fiber / dacron / kapas daur ulang / recycled , PET flakes & spun yarn / benang pintal / benang spun recycled / sewing thread daur ulang murah Bandung , Indonesia. Perusahaan, pabrik distributor, supplier kain non woven spunbond / kain keras / laken , benang polyester / recycled sewing thread. Pabrik jual Alat Pelindung Diri, cacahan botol / plastik , kapas polyester daur ulang murah.