Plastic PET Bottle Recycling

PET stands for Poly Ethylene Terethphthalate which is also known as No 1 plastic inside the universal recycling symbol . Above all, plastic PET / polyester bottle recycling is the process of extending the life of a single-use plastic bottle. Manufacturer can also make PET scrap into recyclable bottles, textile fabrics, carpet or furniture. Furthermore, manufacturer / factory can also make rPET (recycled PET / polyester) into several products such as automotive parts (boot lining, carpet, seat cover, sound insulation), geotextiles, roof insulation, new PET packaging (food and non food products), polyester staple fiber for clothing, duvets, pillow, carpet, etc.

PET plastic bottle recycling
PET plastic bottle recycling

How can we encourage more plastic bottle recycling?

In addition, we can encourage more PET plastic bottle recyling by providing more PET bottle bins in public area. Furthermore, government may create laws which extend producer responsibility. As a result, recycling PET bottle plastic creates products which are functional and cost effective as well.

Daur ulang plastik PET

PET adalah singkatan dari Poly Ethylene Terethphthalate yang juga dikenal sebagai plastik No.1 di dalam simbol daur ulang universal. Daur ulang botol plastik PET / polyester adalah proses memperpanjang umur botol plastik sekali pakai. Manufaktur / pabrik dapat membuatndaur ulang sisa PET menjadi botol, kain tekstil, karpet atau furniture sehingga dapat digunakan kembali. Selain itu, pabrik / manufaktur juga dapat membuat rPET (PET / polyester daur ulang) menjadi beberapa produk seperti suku cadang otomotif (boot lining, karpet, penutup jok, insulasi suara), geotekstil, insulasi atap, kemasan PET baru (produk makanan dan non makanan), poliester serat stapel untuk pakaian, selimut, bantal, karpet, dll.

Bagaimana cara meperbanyak produk yang menggunakan plastik botol PET daur ulang?

Masyarakat dapat mendorong lebih banyak daur ulang botol plastik PET dengan menyediakan lebih banyak tempat sampah botol PET di tempat umum. Selain itu, pemerintah dapat membuat undang-undang yang memperluas tanggung jawab produsen. Mendaur ulang plastik botol PET menciptakan produk yang fungsional dan juga hemat biaya.

# Hadtex factory / manufacturer & supplier company of nonwoven ( non woven ) spunbond fabric (for goody bag, automotive, filter, etc), regenerated polyester / PET fiber / fibre / dacron / RPET, PET flakes & also recycled spun polyester yarn, sustainable textile . Bandung, Indonesia. Hadtex perusahaan , pabrik, distributor & supplier jual kain nonwoven ( non woven ) polyester spunbond untuk automotif / kendaraan mobil, filter, goody bag, APD (Alat Pelindung Diri). Pabrik fiber / dacron / kapas daur ulang / recycled , PET flakes & spun yarn / benang pintal / benang spun recycled / sewing thread daur ulang murah Bandung , Indonesia. Perusahaan, pabrik distributor, supplier kain non woven spunbond / kain keras / laken , benang polyester / recycled sewing thread. Pabrik jual Alat Pelindung Diri, cacahan botol / plastik , kapas polyester daur ulang murah.

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